Event Spotlight

The FELA Foundation has been working on skill enhancement courses, training partners and other important aspects for providing a quality trained workforce for the education industry at various career levels. We facilitate our members to gain insight on various issues affecting the Education industry from the industry experts by making them a part of the regularly organized training seminars, webinars, conclaves and workshops.

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Upcoming Events

Nascent Technologies and Sustainability for the 'Make in India' Initiative (SPICON 2022) Nascent Technologies and Sustainability for the 'Make in India' Initiative (SPICON 2022)

Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Andheri is completing its 60th year in 2022. In this 60th ye...

22, Dec | 02:02 PM | Platform | Mumbai

National Education Summit 2022: New Education Technologies National Education Summit 2022: New Education Technologies

FELA is now organizing India’s first-ever grand National event, an Education Summit on &lsq...

24, Sep | 03:02 AM | Platform | New Delhi

Industry 4.0 - Nascent Technologies and Sustainability for 'Make in India'  Initiative Industry 4.0 - Nascent Technologies and Sustainability for 'Make in India' Initiative

The aim of this conference is to provide an interdisciplinary platform for leading and young researc...

22, Dec | 11:02 AM | Platform |

National Level  E-Conference National Level E-Conference

We hope to analyze the process and the benefits of the CU - CET exams with your valuable insights...

21, Apr | 09:02 AM | Platform |

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Featured Events

National E-Conference by Federation of Education Leaders & Administrators
National E-Conference by Feder...

10, Jan | 09:02 AM


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Flagship Events